Neighbours for the Planet
Tackling Climate Change, One Action at a Time

Carrie Tai
Carrie is passionate about taking action on tackling the Climate Crisis and creating more public awareness. She believes that by building a climate community we can make effective change in our personal lives, in our community and all levels of government. Carrie took Al Gore's climate change training in Aug 2019 and is also now a Climate Reality Leader.

Andy Hampton
Andy is very concerned about the Climate and Ecological crises and what our future holds. He is passionate about nature and is never happier than when he is on a family hike or bike ride in the countryside. Andy tries to "walk the talk" by driving an electric vehicle (EV) and doing what he can to promote EVs both to friends and colleagues and through membership of the Electric Vehicle Society and the Toronto Hybrid & Electric Car Club. He is also frequently involved in lobbying politicians at all levels on environmental issues.

Aimée Tai
Aimée is very creative and loves to bring her artistic side into any project she is working on. She enjoyed designing our website and continues to upgrade it as we evolve. She is also kept busy designing our event posters. Aimée started a Climate Action Committee at her school, and is also a member of the Everything Matters Movement, under the umbrella of Neighbours for the Planet.

Shan Hampton
Shan has a great eye for detail. She makes her contribution to our website by casting a critical eye on the layout and design and bringing forward recommendations for improvements. Shan also keeps busy with posting the news articles on our In the News page.

Edwin Tai
Edwin is an avid photographer, especially on vacation. He loves taking pictures of nature. He has an interest in gardening and likes to experiment with growing different plants. Edwin loves to read and is interested in the science of climate change solutions.