I have a garden at home which emphasizes native plants. Not only do I enjoy a beautiful place to relax and enjoy nature, but I get some lovely visitors paying visits too!
The lower picture is the Toad Motel in my potato patch. "Toady" shelters in a terracotta plant pot placed in a shady spot with an en suite water station . Toady eats insects and keeps me company as I work.

Great pictures Dinah! Thanks for sharing them!
As you may be aware, Richmond Hill Council proclaimed August 22 “Flight of the Monarch Day” in Richmond Hill, in support of Monarch Nation and their ongoing efforts to help pollinators.
In addition to a plant kit giveaway and a webinar series (RichmondHill.ca/Pollinators), Richmond Hill is putting together a community photo collage, to be released on August 22. Your picture of the monarch butterfly would be perfect to submit!