So I was preparing my raised bed garden last weekend and found that the oregano planted last year is growing out of control (Good problem to have). I need to cut them down to make room for the tomato seedlings so I am wondering if anyone is interested in some free oregano. This is an organic plant grown using organic soil and fertilizer. There should be enough to make 6 -8 oregano plants. If anyone is interested, I can plant these in pots and leave them on my front porch if you want to come pick them up and help me solve my problem 😂😂😂

Looks Great!!! Spring is here.......
Perfect! Driveway plants and seeds share is a great idea. I'll make a few more pots in case anyone else wants them.
Hi Wing! I will help you solve the problem! Sign me up for 1 oregano pot. I can give red runner beans in exchange. Hopefully we can do it next weekend as part of the driveway plants and seeds share. Thank you!
Nice! My origano generally overwinter. I dry it in bunches on my clothesline and use it dried during winter. Makes a nice gift too!
Wow, that is a great problem to have indeed. I would love to have one of the plants. Let me know when you have a pot ready and I will pick it up. Thanks Wing!