Neighbours for the Planet
Tackling Climate Change, One Action at a Time
"3% Project is a free national education initiative that is touring across Canada, visiting 500 schools nationwide, providing youth-friendly, holistic education on climate solutions in the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Fourth Industrial Revolution.
Our goals are simple: to achieve more consensus Canada-wide that climate change is real, that its biggest cause is human-created, and to empower youth to take local action towards climate change solutions in their communities.
Together, we can create change."
Blue Dot York Region is part of the national Blue Dot movement, a grassroots campaign based on the idea that everyone in Canada deserves the right to a healthy environment, including clean air and water, healthy food and ecosystems and a say in decisions that affect our health and well-being.
Since 2014, more than 112,000 people across Canada have stood up to have the right to a healthy environment legally recognized at all levels of government.
As a result of volunteer efforts, 174 municipalities have passed resolutions in support of the right to a healthy environment. Based on this success, we are now working to have these rights recognized in federal law, so all Canadians can benefit. Ultimately, we seek to amend the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms to include the right to a healthy environment, so that we can join the 110 countries around the world that already have this right included in their constitutions. Blue Dot is backed by the David Suzuki Foundation, one of the most trusted environmental organizations in Canada.
ClimateZone.org was created by
Dr. Martin Bush, B.Sc.Tech., MSc., PhD.
Martin is a fascinating individual who has worked most of his life on natural resources management and renewable energy all over the world, UK, Canada, USA, East Africa, Sudan, Mali, Madagascar, Guinea, Haiti to name just a few.
Click here to read Martin's bio which I found to be very interesting. Martin's website is a great resource for a deeper understanding of climate change issues and solutions.
"The Climate Zone website has been running for about 3 years now and focuses on the solutions to the dangers threatened by the changing climate, and particularly on the transition to clean sources of renewable energy which is the only sure way to rapidly bring down emissions of greenhouse gases. The site is international in scope but frequently addresses issues that are very relevant to Canada."
Martin lives in Markham.
"A community working group that applies the philosophy and solutions in the best selling book, DRAWDOWN The Most Comprehensive Plan Ever Proposed to Reverse Global Warming. The solutions are grouped by sector, described at Drawdown.org, and implementing them globally will either reduce or remove carbon emissions and reverse or draw down greenhouse gases out to the year 2050.
Since targets are expressed as numbers, so can the specific solutions that apply to Richmond Hill be mapped, measured, and modeled. Through lecture, discussion, customized local projects, the residents come together to find ways to apply the solutions, so that they can make a more livable future for our transitioning world."
Contact is Liz Couture.
The Richmond Hill chapter of XR organizes creative local events to inform the public, grow its membership, put pressure on local politicians, and prepare to participate in national and international XR campaigns.
People of all identities and abilities are welcome.
To save everything, we need everyone!
"Seedlings is a non profit organization, created by four young climate catalysts in York Region, that focuses on fighting against climate change within their community. Seedlings aims to reduce the amount of garbage and plastics used when purchasing daily items such as fruits and vegetables through their seed library program. Seedlings believes in sustainability and not just a change for plastics but an overall change in the community. Seedlings seeks to make a difference in how the community goes upon their habits in order to build a thriving society."
"Targeting Climate Change meetings are community events that run every other month in Richmond Hill on the first Saturday of the month.
The meetings are designed to allow community leaders to LISTEN to community needs and to allow community members opportunities to network with each other, and to access expertise and resources as they strive to resolve the climate crisis. There will be open microphones in large group sessions, community leaders and experts in a variety of fields are invited to answer questions. There will also be time to network and attend information sessions.
All members of the community are welcome and we hope to hear questions and answers from the floor and to initiate support groups and climate action committees."
"ClimateFast is a dedicated volunteer group that strives to build political will and to persuade politicians to work toward urgent and substantial action on climate change.
Our current campaigns include the Kitchen Table Climate Conversations, Toronto Climate Film Festival, and the People's Climate Plan for Ontario. We are also working with Green Neighbours Network on developing green neighbours groups and offering Community Futures workshops in Etobicoke and Scarborough.
We have a petition campaign in support of a meaningful climate plan for Ontario."
"Drawdown Toronto is a community based organization dedicated to using the Drawdown framework and approach to support climate action. Through education about solutions, we demystify climate action and introduce people to the radical opportunities that exist for remaking our society and economy to me more just, inclusive, sustainable and prosperous while protecting the foundations for life to flourish."
"Green Neighbours Network of Toronto is a network of individuals, neighbourhood groups, and city-wide partners who are keen to make their neighbourhoods greener. Whether that’s more trees, more gardens, better walkability, improved energy efficiency – they all help green the City, make it a nicer place to live, and combat climate change - for a win-win-win!
New members are welcome. Please sign up at the website. The Network can help by making connections so you can work together, learn together, and share ideas and resources with other like-minded people. By encouraging each other and celebrating successes, we'll help you make friends, and make a bigger difference more easily - while having more fun!"
"Leadnow envisions a just, sustainable, and equitable Canada, built and defended through the democratic power of an engaged public.
Leadnow believes that democracy is both an end and a means.
Leadnow's power and direction comes from the community of people who take part. Leadnow's members have identified the climate crisis as the top issue currently facing our nation, and as a result Leadnow is pursuing a massive, nationwide campaign for climate justice and a Green New Deal."