We need to demand that Schedule 6 be removed from Bill 229.

You may know that the Government of Ontario is proposing an omnibus Budget Bill 229. Schedule 6 of the bill is proposing changes to the Conservation Authorities Act, removing protections from our watersheds and wetlands.
Photo by Anthony Fomin on Unsplash
Marj Andre has organized a group of people in Richmond Hill concerned about Schedule 6. She has secured a meeting with MPP Daisy Wai to voice our concerns.
Date: Friday Dec 4, 2020
Time: 3:30pm
RRSVP here if you can join us and we will provide the zoom link.
We need as many people as we can to join the meeting to ensure that MPP Daisy Wai hears us loud and clear!
Whether you want to speak or just be there for support, we need YOU!
Our voices matter! Don't forget what happened earlier this year - Ontario reverses course on bill that could open Greenbelt to development. The Ford government had to back down because people like you and me complained!