The climate crisis can not be resolved with the current policies in place. Our own efforts to reduce emissions will not be sufficient to keep warming to a safe level. The way forward must include social change on a mass level - and this is happening, but slowly. We lack conduits for information- and resource-sharing between municipal governments and the public.
Institutions (like faith communities, school boards, and businesses) can meet this need and allow for quick, local, and efficient responses to climate extremes and support for the lifestyle changes that will keep a sustainable future in place.
Near Net Zero by 2030!! - Harnessing Community Resources is an opportunity to explore these ideas with others.
Our speakers have activated community change quickly and recently and will share their insights and listen to community questions and responses in a significant time for your voices to be heard.
Eve Wyatt and Paul Dowsett, Toronto Home Retrofits and Pocket Change Project Our homes and buildings are vital to our wellbeing, social connectivity and economy — but they are also Canada’s third-largest source of emissions. Helping communities upgrade their residents’ homes to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions tackles climate change, future proofs homes against extreme climate events, creates jobs, helps homeowners save on their energy bills, and enhances comfort and health.
Toronto Home Retrofits (THR) is a not-for-profit organization that offers community groups across Toronto the support they need to help their members green their homes. THR's model builds on the success of the Pocket Change Project, whose retrofit coordination service in Toronto’s east end is demonstrating homeowner demand for retrofits, the value of advice for homeowners, and the ability to deliver significant GHG emissions reductions from community homes.
Gail Greer, Ph.D., SCAN! - Seniors for Climate Action Now! SCAN! informs and mobilizes seniors in an effort to prevent further climate catastrophes. Young people are calling on governments to act decisively on the climate emergency. As seniors we will support their lead, amplify their voices and add our own to the growing movement for climate action. We recognize Indigenous Peoples’ central role in addressing the climate emergency - traditional knowledge, strategic location in fossil fuel industry, and the imperative of a just reconciliation. Seniors for Climate Action Now! started in Toronto just three years ago with 20 people. Now, thanks to the efforts of all its members, there are over 500! Gail taught evolutionary and ecological sociology at Queen's in the 1980's, then left academia to run a family management service business. She now contributes her analytical, research and writing skills to educate and motivate friends, neighbours and interested strangers to join the environmental movement.