At the end of September, NftP was made aware of the Climate Awareness and Action Fund that was announced by the federal government.
We met with our climate partners in York Region, Drawdown Richmond Hill; BlueDot York Region and Targeting Climate Change and brainstormed on some proposal ideas. And that is how the Climate Action and Resource Centre idea was born!

It will be a one-stop-shop for all things climate. The Centre will be the go-to place to find the latest green and clean solutions for residents, homeowners, and businesses.
It will be a community-managed space where the public can come to explore and learn about climate change and what they can do to make a difference.
Read on to see what services and activities we plan to hold at the Climate Action and Resource Centre.
EcoTechnology Fairs

Local firms and business will showcase their products on a regular basis.
Home energy savings
Electric vehicles
Geo-exchange equipment
Solar panels
Powerwall batteries
Climate Change Education
Film Screenings
Conferences, workshops and presentations
Plant Based Cooking classes
Education on composting and regenerative agriculture
Showcase Lifestyle Changes

Showcase ways in which local residents can make behaviour changes at home and the workplace that reduce emissions of GHGs
Plant Based Diet
Reduced Food Waste
Using public transit
Using Electric bikes
Educational and Promotional Material
Climate change explained in easy to understand language and provided in most commonly spoken languages in the region.
Promotional materials from a range of local businesses on products that reduce energy consumption in the home
Provide information on government programs that provide financial support for public action on improving energy efficiency and reducing emissions
- Electrical vehicle charging infrastructure
- Home retrofitting loans
- Municipal permitting and approval processes
High School Resource

Focus will be to building strong links to local high schools in York Region.
Resource for teachers leading courses on environmental science and climate change management.
Offer free presentations to schools from local experts on climate science and renewable energy solutions.
A Space to Gather
Free space for local, not-for-profit, environmental groups focused on specific action
Reach out especially to the non-english speaking community, the Indigenous community, and the LGBTQ2+ community
Climate Socials - learn from your neighbours
Youth Climate Socials
The Climate Action and Resource Centre will be a one-stop-shop for climate solutions and actions!
We want the Centre to be YOUR dream too! We want to know what kinds of workshops, activities, events and resources you would like to see there.
Help us define the Climate Centre by letting us know what you IMAGINE!
We will hear back about our proposal by the end of January, so stay tuned!