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Sat June 6, 2020 - NftP Curbside Seed Giveaway

Writer's picture: neighboursfortheplanetneighboursfortheplanet

Neighbours for the Planet is excited to announce that we are hosting a Curbside Seed Giveway event to support local food production and backyard farming during the pandemic and as part of a transition to a greener future.

We are also making this into a fundraiser for the Richmond Hill food bank to help those who are particularly vulnerable right now. We will have a donation jar at one of our locations should you wish to contribute. You can also donate directly to the Richmond Hill food bank

Event Date: Sat June 6, 10am - noon

Rain Date: Sun June 6, 10am - noon

See locations below...

Please also check out our Curbside Seed Giveaway discussion on our forum to get the latest exciting news about this event!

Check back often as we confirm the list of seeds and seedlings/plants at each location.

List of Locations

75 Castle Rock Drive, Richmond Hill


  • 11 packets of red runner beans (5 per package)

  • 19 packets of assorted beans (7 per package) - includes red kidney beans, black beans and inca beans

  • snow pea seeds

  • 9 packets of pumpkin seeds

  • 12 packets of purple bush bean

  • 33 packets of hot pepper seeds

  • 20 packets of organic sweet pepper seeds

  • 27 packets of kale seeds

  • 11 packets of nasturtium, mixed colours

  • 10 packets of catnip

  • 5 packets of lettuce seeds

  • 6 packets of fennel seeds

  • 4 packets of yellow tomato seeds

  • 4 packets of valerian seeds

  • 9 packets of dwarf sugar peas

  • 6 packets of hard red spring wheat (for wheat grass)

  • 4 packets of white horehound

  • 18 packets of morning glory seeds

  • 9 packets of lupins

  • 10 packets of poppy


  • mint plants

  • sorrel plants

12 Theobalds Circle, Richmond Hill


  • 12 packets of purple bush bean

  • 33 packets of hot pepper seeds

  • 4 packets of green peas

  • 20 packets of organic sweet pepper seeds

  • 27 packets of kale seeds

  • 11 packets of nasturtium, mixed colours

  • 10 packets of catnip

  • 4 packets of tomato seeds

  • 6 packets of rainbow carrot seeds

  • 6 packets of lettuce seeds

  • 9 packets of dwarf sugar peas

  • 11 packets of cucumber seeds

  • 4 packets of lemon balm seeds

  • 1 organic cherry plum tomato seeds

  • 1 packet of pakchoi

  • 1 packet of romaine lettuce

  • 6 packets of hard red spring wheat (for wheat grass)

  • 18 packets of morning glory seeds

  • 9 packets of lupins


  • 3 tomato seedlings

  • 13 oregano plants

  • 1 strawberry plant

  • 8 bell pepper plants

Update June 8th:

Our Curbside Seed Giveaway was a great success! It was a perfect sunny day - not too hot and not too cold!

We had a total of 2 dozen households show up. We had attendees that heard of the event on social media, through our weekly emails and website calendar, and some that were walking or cycling in the neighbourhood.

They were excited and appreciative that we put on the event. We had some great conversations about gardening and we made some good connections. We had couples, seniors and families with children attend.

Snap'd Richmond Hill came out and took pictures at both events! Check out the pictures that they took.

We collected $55 for the Richmond Hill Food Bank as well as some food. Some people didn't have cash on them but said they would donate to the food bank online.

For those of you who picked up seeds and aren't sure how to plant them, please post your questions on our forum and the gardening team will be happy to respond!

We would also love to see pictures of how your seeds and seedlings are doing. Please keep us up to date on our forum by adding your pictures or email them to us and we will post for you.

This was put together in just 2 weeks! The team has decided to hold this every year, and with more time to prepare, there will be a lot more seedlings!

Thank you to the NftP Gardening Team who put this event together - Julia Fursova, Wing Wu and Dinah Gibbs. Thank you also to Aimee for creating the beautiful poster, and Leona for producing the very professional how to video!

Thank you to everyone who contributed seeds and/or came out for the event!

Happy growing season and we'll see you next year!



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