UPDATE: We have combined the multiple strikes into one big strike.
We will all gather at noon on the grassy area on the North-East corner of Bayview Avenue and Major Mackenzie Drive. There will be speeches, chants, songs, a big group picture; and of course we will be holding up our climate signs! If you have time to make a sign, we look forward to seeing your creative side! If not, we will have a few extra signs available.
At 1pm we will march along Major Mackenzie Dr. to St Mary's Anglican Church (on Yonge just north of Major Mackenzie) where we will join more people with our second portion of the #ClimateStrike, beginning at 2pm. At St. Mary's there will be washrooms and refreshments available. If you choose not to do the march, you are welcome to drive or take the bus between locations, or you could just join us at one spot or the other. We want you to participate in whatever way is best for you.
We will have a special guest speaker, Dr. Kaz higuchi, climate scientist
We were very lucky to get the support of St Mary's Anglican church to host us on their front lawn! We thought it gave us a great opportunity to march along Major Mackenzie and get lots of exposure with the cars driving by! We will have marshals to keep everyone on the sidewalks and ensure we cross intersections on green lights only. It is usually a 30 minute walk but we expect it to be a bit longer with such a huge group.
Neighbours for the Planet are joining FridaysforFuture and 350 org and other climate organizations world-wide to bring attention to the very urgent issue of the climate crisis.
Everyone is invited to this BIGGEST strike yet - parents, grandparents, workers, unions.
The world needs to understand that we cannot continue business as usual. We are in a climate crisis!
You are ALL invited! Please join us and show the world that you care about our planet!
