"Come by if you'd like to meet the organizers, ask questions, get the Extinction Rebellion 101, meet other folks concerned about climate change, or just chat about it all. We're friendly, and there are snacks :)
Organizers: let's check in on the various schemes we have cooking.
Serving all of York Region!"
When: Thurs March 12 at 7 - 8:30pm
Where: Longo's, 9306 Bathurst St, Maple, ON
"The Loft" meeting room. Go inside and upstairs. Ask at Customer Service if you can't find it. No outside food or drink (bring a reusable water bottle), but feel free to buy something from this Longo's and bring it upstairs to share.
For more information, email XR at xrrichmondhill@protonmail.com
